New blog post- Acute Stress

Acute Stress Disorder can really interfere with an individual’s ability to enjoy life.  Have you (or anyone you know) experienced directly being involved in a traumatic event, personally witnessed a traumatic event that has occurred to someone else, learned that a life-threatening event has occurred to a close family member or friend, repeated and extreme exposure to aversive details of traumatic events. 

The individual with Acute Stress Disorder may notice that a number of areas in their life are being impacted such as, impaired social and interpersonal relationships, sleep disturbances, reduced motivation, social withdrawal, avoidance, substance misuse or abuse, increased aggression, separation/divorce and increased work related absenteeism.  


If you feel that you (or someone close to you) may be experiencing the symptoms of Acute Stress Disorder please feel free to make an appointment with one of our experienced psychologists.  Call, email or book online via the Healthkit link.


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